Marshmallow Root & Slippery Elm

Marshmallow Root

This is an adaptogenic herb and one we use a lot - and have had great success with, particularly for anal glands! Overall, since using marshmallow root, we’ve seen a lot better results compared to using slippery elm. It is much more mucilaginous than slippery elm and more gentle - so if you have a particularly sensitive dog marshmallow may be better for them.

Like slippery elm, Marshmallow is also demulcent and demulcents like marshmallow have a calming effect on the mucus membranes they come into contact with because they contain mucopolysaccharides. Essentially, when given, marshmallow root coats the irritated membranes and offers soothing relief.

A marshmallow tea or low-alcohol (less than 10%) tincture is usually the best choice. However, the dried root powdered supplements we see in popular pet health shops are thought to be better for problems deep within the digestive system, such as the anal glands & things like colitis. This is because marshmallows’ mucilage is highly water-soluble and may not reach the lower end of the digestive tract unless carried there in the root.

Herbs such as Marshmallow root (Althaea Officinalis) can help to tone your dog’s digestive tract, resulting in regular bowel movements and fully functioning anal glands.

Marshmallow root isn’t suitable for diabetic dog's and it’s believed that Marshmallow root may interfere with the absorption of some drugs. So your dog takes any medication, speak with your holistic vet before you use this herb.

It’s the same dosage as slippery elm which is 1/2 tsp per 10kg and for particularly sensitive dogs we recommend building up to the full dosage gradually.

Slippery Elm

Slippery elm comes from an elm tree native to the central and eastern United States and Ontario, Canada. It is a very safe adaptogen herb used for both humans and pets internally and externally and has many benefits and uses - We recommend keeping some slippery elm in your dog's first aid kit at all times!

slippery elm is an adaptogen one herb wonder with so many uses for dogs. The mucilage helps to heal and soothe the gut mucosal wall, The lubricating qualities of slippery elm can help soothe the respiratory passages of pets suffering from bronchitis and kennel cough, helping them to swallow better. Slippery elm also helps to reduce inflammation and upset by lubricating the digestive tract with the help of mucilage. It soothes the intestinal tract and can help regulate stomach acid, further helping to relieve acid reflux as well as relieving sickness and diarrhoea. The mucilage also helps to draw out impurities and toxins from the body. The herb can also help to relieve and prevent constipation.

Slippery elm is highly nutritive, being a source of fibre, bioflavonoids, calcium, magnesium, sodium, vitamins A, E, C, K, and B-complex. On top of that, slippery elm is also a prebiotic and helps to promote balanced flora in the gut. When purchasing slippery elm, you must ensure it is sustainably sourced, and preferably organic.

Our recommendation is to use the powdered form at a dose of half a teaspoon per 10kg.

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