
Kelp is the largest and fastest-growing marine algae or seaweed, and belongs to the brown algae group known as Phaeophyta - so although kelp may resemble an underwater plant, it is a protist, the same family of organisms as moulds and amoebas.

Kelp forests are found in the temperate and polar coastal regions of the world. Four species of kelp are found around the South African coast, with Ecklonia maxima being the most familiar, often being washed up on beaches following heavy storms. True kelp (Laminaria, the stuff that grows in big underwater forests) is the most popularly used in dogs.

Kelp is a recognized food supplement for humans. Now vets and advocates of a holistic approach to pet health also recommend it for dogs. This seaweed is rich in natural salts and minerals, and it has several benefits for your dog's health.


Kelp is one of the richest natural sources of amino acids; kelp is 25% protein and 2% fat. Full of bio-available vitamins and minerals, these sea vegetables contain iodine, which is essential for healthy thyroid function, and iron to support circulation.

There are a variety of edible sea vegetables, but kelp is the most nutritious for dogs. There are 60 different vitamins, minerals, and trace elements as well as 21 amino acids. Kelp is a rich and natural source of numerous growth hormones. However, kelp is most known for is its iodine content which helps to support your dog’s glandular system as well as his metabolism. There are also a large amount of very high-quality clinical trials that support the use of seaweed in fighting cancer of various forms. The article, from which the table below was taken, highlights they are antiviral, antibacterial, antimutagenic, anti-HIV and can even delay the ageing process!

Benefits associated with kelp include the following:

▪️ High-fibre content helps digestion.

▪️ Kelp supplements have been found to reduce dental plaque and tartar build-up in dogs. Swedish studies have shown that kelp supplements reduce dental plaque and tartar build-up in dogs within a few weeks. Some English research indicates the effect may be due to bacteria, Bacillus lichen forms that reside on the surfaces of the kelp and release an enzyme that breaks down the plaque coating on the teeth

▪️ Kelp is rich in iodine. Iodine is a chemical element necessary (at least in trace amounts) to prevent a condition called hypothyroidism in dogs (it is called goitre in human beings.) The rich mix of iodine and other minerals in kelp makes it an ideal supplement to keep your pup's entire glandular system, particularly the thyroid, adrenal and pituitary glands, in healthy working order. This in turn ensures your dog's metabolism works efficiently, which is an important element in maintaining a healthy weight.

▪️ Kelp contains a rich natural source of salts and minerals. The variety of salts and minerals (including iodine, magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium) in Kelp help keep the dog's entire glandular system, the pituitary gland, the adrenal gland, as well as the thyroid gland, the glands that regulate metabolism, healthy. When the glands don't function properly, the anal gland may function improperly causing unpleasant odours. Kelp can be just what you need to reduce the incidence of the nasty smell in your house.

▪️ Kelp reduces itchiness and skin conditions. There is substantial evidence that kelp in the dog's diet will repel fleas. Kelp can be an important natural addition to the organic or chemical flea-fighting treatment you have chosen for your dog. Kelp reduces itchiness in dogs with skin allergies and improves the general condition of skin and coat. If your dog has itchy skin and seems always to be scratching, kelp supplements may make your dog's life a lot more pleasant.

▪️ Kelp is high in iron and calcium. It can supplement other nutrients in food to prevent iron deficiency and improve the ability of the blood to distribute oxygen to the cells. Dogs on Kelp supplements may heal from injury faster because of the iron enrichment. The calcium may help prevent arthritis and bone conditions.

▪️ Kelp contains natural amino acids. The amino acids, especially glycine, alanine, arginine, proline, glutamic, and aspartic acids in natural kelp supplements may support tissue repair.

▪️ Kelp also supports many of your dog's other body functions. It cleanses the digestive system and keeps it balanced. 

▪️ Because it is high in iron it fortifies the blood, which then helps the heart to pump more efficiently. In older dogs especially, it is recommended for strengthening the immune system. Also, dogs on kelp supplements are thought to heal faster from surgery, because the amino acids in the seaweed support tissue repair.

Sourcing and Feeding

1. Where is the kelp harvested? Nova Scotia, Iceland, Ireland and New Zealand are all good sources because of the unpolluted cold ocean water in these areas.

2. What species of kelp is it, and what is the mineral and vitamin content in that species? - if your dog has thyroid issues it’s very important not to give them kelp due to it being high in iodine. 

3. How finely ground is the dried kelp? Kelp is a fibrous plant, so the finer it is ground, the more absorbable the minerals and vitamins in it are, especially for a dog or cat’s short digestive system. A rough “cracked pepper” grind may have as little as 5% to 10% mineral and vitamin absorbability.

4. Is the kelp dried at ambient or high temperatures? High-temperature drying will break down most of the vitamin content in any food, including kelp. So always look for air-dried kelp to preserve the goodness.

Feeding Guidelines 

Because of its high iodine content, Kelp must be given in measured doses and not freely added to your dog's food. Too much iodine can give your dog iodine toxicity with symptoms such as watery eyes and nose, stomach upsets and lethargy.

The dosage should be according to your dog's size. 

1 teaspoon per 10 kgs bodyweight daily added to the feed

  • ∙ Kelp supplements on the UK market;

  • ∙ Organic Irish Kelp For Dogs 300g - £18.13 

  • ∙ Dorwest Herbs Kelp Seaweed powder 500g - £14.60

  • ∙ Aniforte Seaweed (Ascophyllum Nodosum) Powder for Dogs 250g - £7.95

  • ∙ Now Kelp Powder 227g - £9.89