
What is Colostrum?

Colostrum is the first milk produced by mammals immediately after giving birth, it is usually thick and golden yellow in colour. Colostrum contains all the nutrition that a newborn needs, in addition to a whole heap of immune-boosting properties which helps kickstart the newborns immune system.

What are the benefits of feeding my dog colostrum?

There are a huge variety of benefits of feeding your dog colostrum. Some of these include:

Allergy & autoimmune disease support – Colostrum contains a specific hormone called Proline-Rich-Polypeptide, which works to regulate the immune system. This means it can help stimulate an underactive immune system, or down-play an overactive immune system. Which is why colostrum is a great supplement to support dogs with allergies or other autoimmune diseases such as arthritis. As an overly active immune system can cause their body to mistake its own cells as foreign, which then leads it to attack itself, this is known as autoimmunity. However, feeding colostrum supports by down-playing the immune response, which in short means your dog should experience an improvement in their symptoms.  

Joint support – Colostrum contains a substance called Methylsulfonylmethane, which is often used in joint supplements as it can support with maintaining cartilage and in managing pain. In addition, the growth factors in colostrum can support tissue repair within the joints.

Gut support – Colostrum contains lactoferrin, which can reduce inflammation in the gut and support with healing the gut by acting as a prebiotic, which promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut.

Cancer Support – Colostrum contains a whole bunch of cancer treating and preventing substances. Immunoglobulins and Lactoferrin found in colostrum support the immune system, whilst simultaneously fighting viruses and bacterial infections which can sometimes be the cause of cancer. In addition, the cytokines in colostrum can support the body in fighting cancer by activating specific white blood cells which can locate and kill cancer cells. Similarly, the Lactalbumin in colostrum can also kill cancer cells, whilst not interfering with any healthy cells. Finally, colostrum contains an antioxidant called Phytic acid, which has been found to prevent iron from reaching and feeding the nasty cancer cells.

Protection against viruses – Colostrum is great at fighting off nasty viruses due to the aforementioned substances which support with allergies and cancer. One study conducted in 2007 found that colostrum was three times more effective at preventing flu compared to the flu vaccination.

Wound healing & Skin issues – Colostrum can be applied externally to a wound or skin problem to support the healing process. In fact, one study found that by using colostrum to treat wounds, patients required less dressings, had a shorter healing time and a decrease in pain compared to the control group. As previously mentioned, colostrum contains growth factors which aid tissue repair. In addition, colostrum contains antibacterial properties, which means it can fight and prevent infections. Just mix the colostrum powder with a little water to make a paste which you can apply directly to the affected area, then cover the area with a bandage.

Yeast – Do you have a yeasty dog? Try feeding them colostrum, the Lactoferrin found in colostrum is a great antifungal, plus it also aids in getting rid of the biofilms which protect yeast. This in addition to all the aforementioned immune boosting qualities of colostrum can support in fighting a yeast infection.

How can I feed colostrum to my dog?

Colostrum usually comes as a powder or capsule. It is best fed on an empty stomach but can be put in a little bit of food, for example a little bone broth, plain yoghurt or a small ball of their usual food.