
Chamomile is one of the most ancient medicinal herbs. The two most common species are Matricaria chamomilla (German Chamomile) and Chamaemelum nobile (Roman Chamomile). It is packed with antioxidants and flavonoids, and it possesses anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and antimicrobial properties. These qualities make chamomile highly versatile, useful for soothing and calming a troubled tummy, relieving irritated skin, aiding in wound healing, and providing calming effects to reduce anxiety and stress.

Internal Uses of Chamomile for Dogs

Digestive Aid: Chamomile helps soothe the digestive tract, alleviating symptoms such as gas, bloating, and upset stomach. It can also be effective in treating mild gastrointestinal inflammation and colic.

Calming Effects: Chamomile has natural calming properties that can reduce anxiety and stress in dogs. It’s particularly useful for dogs that experience separation anxiety, noise phobias, or general nervousness.

Anti-Inflammatory and Pain Relief: The anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile can help reduce pain and inflammation associated with conditions like arthritis or minor injuries.

Immune System Support: Regular use of chamomile can boost the immune system, helping your dog fend off infections and improve overall health.

External Uses of Chamomile for Dogs

Skin Irritations and Allergies: Chamomile can be applied topically to soothe skin irritations, rashes, and allergic reactions. Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties make it ideal for treating minor wounds and insect bites.

Eye Infections: Chamomile can be used as an eye wash to help alleviate conjunctivitis and other minor eye infections.

Ear Infections: A chamomile-infused wash can help clean and soothe ear infections, reducing inflammation and discomfort.

How to use

Chamomile can be given by making a tea, It can also be used in an alcohol free tincture, powdered form, or the fresh herb itself can be ground and fed. When adding anything new to your dogs diet always go very slowly to make sure that there is no reaction and that it's well tolerated.

How to use externally?

For cleaning eyes and wounds you can simply brew some tea and use the cooled tea bag, this can sooth and reduce any swelling, as well as help kill bacteria.

For irritated skin make a larger amount of tea and allow to cool and use as a rinse after shampooing, do not rise it off. If it's a small area of skin that is irritated, dab with the tea bag.For sore paws make some tea in a container (I use a cup) and simply dip the paw in and allow to dry naturally.

When purchasing chamomile for your dog, consider the following:

Quality: Choose organic, high-quality chamomile to ensure it is free from pesticides and contaminants.

Form: Chamomile is available in various forms, including dried flowers, tea bags, tinctures, and essential oils. For dogs, dried flowers and tea are often the safest and easiest to use. Always Use Organic Chamomile Where Possible.

Tinctures:Organic Alcohol Free Chamomile Tincture - 1 To 2 Drops Daily Between Meals

Caution, if your dog has any allergies to any plants in the ragwort family, may not suit them.


Chamomile Tea: Brew a cup of chamomile tea using dried flowers or a tea bag. Let it cool completely before offering it to your dog. You can mix the tea with their water or food. If You're offering It With Water, Always Make sure That You Have A Separate Bowl With Just Fresh Water So That Your Dog Has choice between the both.

Topical Solution: To create a topical solution, brew a strong chamomile tea and let it cool. Use a cotton ball or clean cloth to apply it to affected areas on your dog’s skin, ears, or eyes.

Dosage: For internal use, start with a small amount, such as a teaspoon of chamomile tea per 10 pounds of body weight. Observe your dog’s reaction and adjust the dosage as needed.


Chamomile is a gentle, effective herb that can provide numerous health benefits for your dog. By choosing high-quality chamomile and preparing it properly, you can help soothe and support your furry friend’s well-being naturally.