Unleashing the Potential of Raw Meaty Bones: A Comprehensive Guide to Enhancing Canine Health

In the world of natural canine nutrition, few elements are as revered and beneficial as raw meaty bones (RMBs). These nutrient-rich treasures offer a plethora of advantages for our four-legged companions, from dental health to overall well-being.

Join us on a journey as we delve deeper into the wonders of RMBs, exploring their benefits, the variety of bones available, and essential safety considerations to ensure your dog's optimal health and happiness.

Benefits of Raw Meaty Bones

  1. Dental Health: The act of gnawing on RMBs provides a natural form of dental care, effectively removing plaque and tartar buildup. This helps prevent periodontal disease and promotes healthy teeth and gums, leading to fresher breath and improved oral hygiene.

  2. Eases discomfort for teething puppies: As puppies undergo the uncomfortable process of teething while their adult teeth emerge, offering an appropriately sized bone to chew on can alleviate pain and alleviate anxiety.

  3. Nutritional Superiority: Raw meaty bones are nutritional powerhouses, packed with essential nutrients vital for canine health. They are rich sources of calcium, phosphorus, and protein, crucial for bone strength, muscle development, and overall vitality. Additionally, they contain natural enzymes and amino acids that support optimal digestion and nutrient absorption, promoting a healthy gastrointestinal tract.

  4. Mental Stimulation: Beyond physical benefits, engaging with RMBs provides valuable mental stimulation for dogs. The challenge of gnawing and manipulating bones stimulates their natural instincts and behaviors, warding off boredom and preventing destructive behaviors often associated with lack of mental stimulation.

  5. A healthy alternative to rawhide: Many pet parents are aware of the dangers of rawhide—a difficult-to-digest chew made from chemicals and leather byproducts that can cause blockages or choking. Recreational and raw meaty bones are a natural, safer alternative to entertain dogs and clean their teeth.

  6. Emotional Fulfilment: Chewing on raw meaty bones satisfies a dog's innate desire to chew and explore, offering emotional fulfillment and a sense of satisfaction. This can be particularly beneficial for dogs experiencing anxiety or stress, as chewing serves as a calming activity that promotes relaxation and contentment.

Types of Bones to Feed

Edible Bones: These softer bones can be fully consumed by dogs and are rich in nutrients. Examples include chicken wings, turkey necks, and lamb ribs. Edible bones provide a balanced combination of meat, bone, and cartilage, offering a complete and wholesome meal for your canine companion.

Recreational Bones: Larger, weight-bearing bones such as beef knucklebones or marrow bones are ideal for recreational chewing. While dogs cannot consume them entirely, these bones offer long-lasting enjoyment and dental benefits. They are perfect for satisfying a dog's natural urge to chew and explore.

Neck Bones: Beef or pork neck bones are excellent options for larger breeds, offering a blend of meat, bone, and connective tissue. These bones provide a diverse array of nutrients and are suitable for dogs of all sizes, contributing to optimal nutrition and dental health.

Safety Considerations

Size Appropriateness: Select bones that are appropriate for your dog's size and chewing habits to prevent choking hazards or gastrointestinal blockages. Always choose bones that are larger than your dog's mouth to ensure safe chewing.

Supervision: It is crucial to supervise your dog when feeding RMBs to prevent any potential accidents or injuries. While RMBs offer numerous benefits, they should be enjoyed under supervision to ensure safe consumption.

Variety and Rotation: Rotate between different types of bones to provide a diverse range of nutrients and prevent dietary imbalances. Offering a variety of bones also keeps mealtime exciting and engaging for your dog, promoting continued interest and enjoyment.

Keep in mind that not all bones are suitable to eat raw and whole (even from poultry). For example, weight-bearing bones from animals larger than poultry are larger and more likely to splinter, so you should not feed these as RMBs.

Gradual Introduction

Introduce RMBs gradually into your dog's diet to allow their digestive system to adjust. Start with smaller portions and monitor your dog's response before gradually increasing the amount over time.

If you're transitioning your dog from kibble to raw, we suggest waiting 7-10 days before introducing raw meaty bones (RMBs) into their diet. It's important to note that while RMBs are beneficial for many dogs, they may not be suitable for all.

Dogs with weakened enamel, compromised dental issues, aggressive chewing habits, or lack of interest in chewing may not thrive with RMBs. In such cases, consider alternative options.

When starting with RMBs, begin gradually with smaller pieces like duck feet, and then progressively increase the size of the bone to match your dog's size and chewing ability. Before serving, if the RMB is not fresh, thaw the bone from the freezer by placing it in the fridge for 24 hours. When offering the RMB to your dog, ensure they have a suitable place to chew, and if concerned about mess, place the bowl on a towel or an easily cleanable surface, such as outside.


Raw meaty bones are a cornerstone of natural canine nutrition, offering a multitude of benefits for our beloved companions. From dental health to emotional fulfillment, the advantages of incorporating RMBs into your dog's diet are undeniable. By understanding the different types of bones available, following safety guidelines, and embracing the variety and nutritional richness they provide, you can enhance your dog's overall health and well-being.

As you embark on this journey with your furry friend, if you are uncertain about what bones to choose for your dog, consult with an experienced raw feeding expert for personalised guidance and support - you can speak to one of our experienced team members in the raw feeding group. With proper care and attention, raw meaty bones can be a valuable addition to your dog's diet, paving the way for a lifetime of health, happiness, and vitality.


Billinghurst, Ian. "Give Your Dog a Bone: The Practical Commonsense Way to Feed Dogs for a Long Healthy Life."

Warrigal Publishing, 1993.Lonsdale, Tom. "Raw Meaty Bones Promote Health."

Dogwise Publishing, 2001.Strombeck, Donald R. "Home-Prepared Dog & Cat Diets: The Healthful Alternative." Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.


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