The Natural First Aid Kit For Dogs

We thought it was important to upload article on the items we have purchased for our dog’s first aid kit. Below is our extensive first aid kit list of items - I have linked where possible all of the items should you wish to purchase them. I keep all of these items in a grab-and-go “caddy” which is super convenient. Not all of these items are standard first aid kit items - but they are practical as well as natural.

Not all of these items are for first aid emergencies as such. Some are for diarrhoea or sickness emergencies or travel sickness etc but rest assured every single item on this list has come in handy at some point over the years - and having items readily on hand has further aided my dog’s recovery more times than I care to remember!

**Always seek veterinary help in the event of an emergency**

First Aid/Medical Kit

  1. Disposable Tourniquet - to help control bleeding to the legs or tail; A tourniquet is dangerous and should only be used only if the injury is located on the tail or a leg and the dog would otherwise die from blood loss without it.

  2. Sterile Non-Woven Swabs - for wound care

  3. Eye Wash

  4. styptic powder to stop bleeding - commonly used for nail clipping if the quick is accidentally caught or styptic pencil

  5. Round tipped scissors - for cutting safely, especially around the face

  6. Leucillin - similar to colloidal silver-anti viral antifungal antibacterial

  7. Colloidal silver (ensure you buy a reputable and clean brand - the regular pet colloidal silver (brand with green label) has harmful excipients in! Used for cleaning wounds/rashes/tear stains/ears/eyes - it’s anti-viral anti-fungal and anti-bacterial Not to be used internally.

  8. Reputable 100% colloidal gel-like institute Katharos - great for applying to wounds/infections/abscesses it’s anti-viral anti-fungal and anti-bacterial

  9. LUCCA Wound Care - LUCAA+ Probiotic Pet Wound Care spray - (USE CODE THCKCS15 FOR 15% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER) promotes healthy and natural wound healing

  10. Green clay powder - For use on open wounds, Absorbs toxins and poisonous substances Especially good on any hot spots

  11. Activated Charcoal - Activated charcoal is an easy-to-source, over-the-counter supplement safe for dogs that have consumed toxins. Dogs can have activated charcoal in the form of liquid, powder, or pills in the form of capsules or tablets

  12. Vet wrap - for covering wounds

  13. Sterile Gauzes - for covering wounds        

  14. Cotton wool rounds - for applying products/remedies etc to dog

  15. Helios Wound balm - Traditionally used for minor wounds, abrasions, sore paws and skin irritations

  16. Medical grade honey - can be used for wound care and kennel cough as well as other things

  17. Pawz rubber shoes - for keeping paws dry on walks if injured

  18. Tweezers - blunt ended tweezers for safety!

  19. All-natural pet - do a great basic natural first aid kit which includes; Silver cream, Devils claw,golden eye, silver tincture and maythen ear drops

  20. Inflatable collar - to stop the dog from reaching the wounds

  21. Surgical suit (no sleeves) - a professional alternative to an e-collar and/or full body bandage. This protects your dog and environment during recovery, after a medical procedure. Sleeved option here.

  22. Canine syringes - to give medicine directly into the dog’s mouth and dose by the kg, you should be able to pick these up from your vet for little expense.

Herbal Support/Remedies

  1. Slippery elm powder (Always buy sustainably) for sickness/diarrhea/reflux/anal glands/kennel cough or USA option

  2. Marshmallow Root Powder for sickness/diarrhea/reflux/anal glands/kennel cough/IBD/reflux USA option here.

  3. Psyllium husk - for bulking out stools  or USA option here.

  4. CBD - great for calming over-anxious dogs - also good natural pain relief. We recommend speaking to Simply CBD if you are in the UK/Europe or King Harvest if in the USA or CANADA.

  5. Milk thistle -or milk thistle tincturefor detoxing from vaccines, chemicals, and poisons orUSA option here.

  6. Pink Himalayan rock salt -can help soothe your dogs and cats sore, inflamed, irritated, or infected paws & skin. USA option here.

  7. Apple cider vinegar (with the mother) - can treat ailments like hot spots, bladder infections, itchy skin and can deter insects - antibacterial - can deter flea, ticks worms and more. USA option here.

  8. Thornit powder - used effectively for the treatment of ear mites. USA option here.

  9. Pet remedy/Calm Extra- for calming/anxiety and stress relief USA option here.

  10. Raspberry leaf tablets for bitches in season - hormonal support and muscle relief for bitches in heat helps to prevent phantom pregnancies USA option here.

  11. Evening primrose oil - for bitches in season hormonal support and muscle relief for bitches in heat. USA option here.

  12. Puppy stimulant - to aid in the stimulation of newborn puppies.

  13. Eye wash - herbal and homeopathic tincture to help all types of eye irritation and infection.

  14. Tum ease - aids food transitioning, bloating, bad breath, vomiting, induces appetite, soothes the gut.

  15. Allergy aid - soothes itchy skin, runny noses, sneezing. USA link here.

  16. Aqua tincture - soothes urinary discomfort, treats UTI’s and cystitis.

  17. Mullein Complex - kennel cough relief.

  18. Skin aid - eczema and dry skin relief

  19. Travel tincture - eases nausea and travel sickness

  20. Immune boost - post surgery/illness tincture that helps to boost immunity, promotes physical and mental stamina, aids circulation, liver function as well as physical and mental function.

  21. Dry 2 - tincture to relieve loose stools and irritable bowel syndrome

  22. Ear drops - herbal blend to loosen wax, soothe itchy ears and deter mites.

Grooming Necessities

Helios shampoo - For shampooing sensitive or itchy dogs (never oatmeal for itchy dogs as it feeds yeast). USA option here.

  1. LUCCA chemical-free pet shampoo (USE CODE THCKCS15 FOR MONEY OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER)

  2. Raw organic cold-pressed Coconut oil for topical - organic virgin e.g - for applying to the coat/hot spots etc. USA OPTION HERE.

  3. Paw & Snout protector - for moisturising the nose  USA option here.

  4. Nail clippers  or USA option here.

  5. Nail Dremel - dependant on how thick your dog’s nails are will be the deciding factor for what pet Dremel is most effective for your needs. I am now on my third Dremel (linked here) which seems to be the most efficient for thicker nails - other smaller dremels are available on amazon but keep in mind that the small USB rechargeable ones will take a lot longer to file down thicker nails. USA option here.

  6. No-rinse shampoo (just in case your dog has a wound that can’t get wet!) USA option here.

  7. Snood - to keep ears out of way for spaniels

  8. Dental wipes or Dental spray - to help clean teeth - good for dogs who aren’t good with a brush. USA option here. USA option for dental spray here.

  9. Reusable/washable dog nappies- to keep dressing/wound care on an anal gland abscess or other injuries to the rear. USA option here.

Probiotic Care

LUCAA+ topical probiotics for pets are a complete range of probiotic pet care and hygiene products with added healthy good bacteria (probiotics). They naturally support the immunity and well-being. Use code THCKCS15 for 15% your first order from Ingenious Probiotics.

  1. Probiotic Coat spray - to help with dry itchy and flaky coats.

  2. Probiotic Eye care - reduces inflammation and infection. USA link here

  3. Probiotic ear care - Natural Ear Cleaner Improves Inner Ear Hygiene & Prevents Infections  USA link here

  4. Probiotic dental care - Protects Gum Health & Reduces Plaque, Tartar & Bad Breath USA link here.

  5. Probiotic allergy spray - skin allergy prevention spray. You can use it to significantly improve uncomfortable, itchy skin (atopic) symptoms caused by environmental and seasonal allergies USA link here.

  6. Probiotic pet shampoo - Gently Soothes Sensitive Skin & Greatly Reduces Itching USA link here.

  7. Probiotic wound spray - promotes healthy healing of broken skin and hot spots. USA link here.


we have an extensive global natural parasite shopping list which details many more natural parasite preventative products for your dogs - but it’s important to always have at least one preventative in your kit at all times!

  1. Natural flea/tick/insect repellant spray - to repel and deter insects USA option here.

  2. Natural worm treatment or USA option here.

  3. Tick key (just in case)! - to remove ticks safely USA option here.


The Helios homoeopathy pet kitUSA option here is a great all in one kit to start out with HP. it offers 36 pet friendly remedies aswell as a complete guide of a-z of illness/ailments and which remedy to use and at what dosage.

Alternatively, some useful homoeopathic remedies to have on hand are you can purchase from Helios directly. In an emergency, individual remedies can be bought from Amazon prime fairly cheaply - aim for 30c pillules. Helios, Ainsworths, Dorwest, and Denes are all reputable Homeopathic brands;

1. Apis mellifica great for bee and other insect bites. Give every 20 minutes for a few doses after a bee sting. USA link here.

2. Arnicagood for general pain, stiffness due to overexertion, soreness, and musculoskeletal injuries. USA link here.

3. Arsenicum album great for GI upsets from eating spoiled food where there is both vomiting and Diarrhea. Give twice an hour for a few hours.USA link here.      

4. Borax (the remedy, not the powder) – excellent for fear of thunderstorms and fireworks. Give this at the 6c potency twice a day for a month during the season

5. Calendulause for skin infections or any kind of external infection. It’s a remarkable healing agent and a tube of the ointment should always be on hand to apply topically to scrapes, infections, and wounds. You can also buy a tincture and dilute it 1/10 and flush any cuts or wounds with it. USA link here.

6. Hepar sulfuris wonderful to treat painful abscesses anywhere on the body and painful infected anal glands. USA link here.

7. Hypericumis an excellent remedy to give for any pain due to nerve damage or injuries to nerve-rich areas. I once closed my finger in a window and learned firsthand the wonders of Hypericum. Great for when you cut your dog’s toenails too short. USA link here.

8. Myristicaphenomenal remedy for anal sac infections and chronic anal sac problems.

9. Rhus toxfor arthritis that’s better after moving around, general musculoskeletal injuries, red swollen eyes, skin infections and skin itching. USA link here.

10. Ruta fantastic for any injury to tendons or ligaments and this remedy has a real affinity for the knee so you would use it immediately after any knee or cruciate injury.USA link here.

11. Silicea pushes foreign bodies like splinters or foxtails out of the skin. USA link here.

12. Ledum the first choice for any type of puncture wound, including those from insect bites.USA link here.


There are some first aid kits out there on the market available to buy - but I couldn’t find one with absolutely everything and found purchasing items individually to be more cost-effective. so we’ve made one ourselves and we put it in this little caddy which is super handy!

Storage caddy organizer


When Raw Food Just Isn’t An Option


Anal Gland & Abscesses, Oh My!